2 December 2020
There will be 4 lessons in December 2020. The first two lessons in the first and second weeks will be on macroeconomics which all students are required to attend. However, the last two lessons in the third and fourth weeks will be on microeconomics revision which ONLY students who joined after the JC1 Promotional Examination are required to attend.
In other words, students who joined before the JC1 Promotional Examination are required to attend 2 lessons in December and students who joined after the JC1 Promotional Examination are required to attend 4 lessons. Nonetheless, students who joined before the JC1 Promotional Examination but wish to attend the last two lessons in the third and fourth weeks which will be on microeconomics revision are allowed to do so. This is especially true for students who joined at a time which was near the JC1 Promotional Examination and hence have a relatively weak foundation in microeconomics.
Economics Tuition @ Economics Cafe
Principal Economics Tutor: Mr. Edmund Quek