27 December 2020
The JC2 classes on Tuesday (5pm-7pm) and Wednesday (5pm-7pm) will commence on 12 January 2021 and 13 January 2021 respectively. Students who wish to switch to a weekday class can so do simply by informing Mr Edmund Quek through email. Like the classes on weekends, students who choose to attend a weekday class can do so online or onsite. The login details will be the same as those for weekend classes.
It is important to note that Mr Edmund Quek teaches in a cycle which starts on Tuesday and ends on Sunday. Therefore, students who are unable to attend their regular classes and wish to come for a makeup lesson should do so in the same week. To put it somewhat differently, a student should not attend two lessons in the same week as the same content will be taught in all the classes in the same week.
Economics Tuition @ Economics Cafe
Principal Economics Tutor: Mr. Edmund Quek