Singapore Enters Phase 2 Safe Reopening

Since Singapore commenced its Phase 1 safe reopening from 2 June 2020, daily new confirmed cases have been kept at a relatively low level, with local community cases continuing to decrease. On 15 June 2020, Singapore government announced that the nation was ready to enter its Phase 2 safe reopening from 19 June 2020. To learn more about Singapore’s phased safe reopening, you may visit the website of Economics Cafe Learning Centre. Economics Cafe Learning Centre is the best economics tuition centre in Singapore. The economics tuition centre was founded by Mr Edmund Quek, the best economics tutor specialized in GCE Cambridge ‘A’ Level economics tuition.

Retail Outlets Allowed To Open

All retail outlets are allowed to open during this phase, with required safe management measures in place. These measures include, among others, SafeEntry for fast contact tracing, temperature screening and safe distancing measures. Customers having a fever (with temperature reading of 38 Degree Celsius and above) or other notable symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, runny nose and shortness of breath will be denied entry. 1m safe distancing must be strictly followed at all times. With guidance from your economics tutor in your economics tuition class, discuss the possible impact of these measures on manpower and sales.

Retailers are also required to put up 1m demarcaters on the floor at the entrance and queue areas. Malls and standalone stores of 930 square meters (about 10,000 square feet) or larger have to impose a limit to the number of customers at 1 person per 10 square meters. In addition, retailers are required to ensure frequent cleaning and disinfection of common spaces and high human contact areas. There are also some trade specific requirements. For example, Book retailers are not allowed to hold any events such as book launches and meet-the-autho sessions. They have to remind their customers to minimize browsing time in stores too. You may discuss with your economics tutor in economics tuition other trade specific measures for departmental stores, pharmacies and cosmetics shops.

Dine-in Allowed In Phase 2

Phase 2 allows customers to dine-in at F&B outlets like coffee shops, food courts and restaurants. Previously in Phase 1, customers can only order for takeaways, or opt for online and Grab Food delivery. Delivery cost on customers ranges from $3 to $10, depending on the distance. For F&B outlet owners using a 3rd party ordering and delivery service, they may need to pay up to 25 per cent of sales to these 3rd party service providers. This will inevitably attribute to higher operating cost, despite the shrinking sales. Please consult your economics tutor in your economics tuition class about the costs and benefits of engaging a third-party service provider for delivery.

From 19 June 2020, F&B outlets can serve food inside their premises with required safe management measures. All tables must be placed 1m apart from each other. A maximum of 5 diners are allowed to sit at each table. Diners must dispose their own tissue papers after use. You may approach your economics tutor in economics tuition for a discussion about its possible impact on the F&B businesses. Mr Edmund Quek is a well sought-after economics tutor renowned for incorporating real world events into his economics tuition. You may visit his website to find out more about this economics tutor.

In addition, pet shops, beauty salons and tuition centres are also allowed to resume business operations in Phase 2. Stadiums, swimming pools and gyms can open too, with safe distancing measures and stepped up cleaning and disinfection.

Enterprise Singapore and the various ministries will deploy safe ambassadors and inspectors to ensure strict compliance across all sectors. Businesses that do not comply with the government’s safe management guidelines will be ordered to close or deprived of the government’s various subsidies and grants.

Linda Geng

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Principal Economics Tutor: Mr. Edmund Quek