What Should An Economics Tutor Teach In A Junior College Year 1 Economics Tuition Class At The End Of The Year?

Economics tuition Singapore is a widely discussed topic as a large number of students in junior college take economics tuition Singapore in one form or another. However, although some students will start taking economics tuition Singapore at the beginning of the course, some will start looking for an economics tutor Singapore only at the end of the year. The latter usually occurs as a result of getting a poor grade for the promotional examination. The question is, what should an economics tutor Singapore teach in a junior college year 1 economics tuition class at the end of the year?

Intensive Revision Of Microeconomics

Some economics tutors prefer to conduct an intensive revision of microeconomics in a junior college year 1 economics tuition class at the end of the year. An intensive revision of microeconomics can be conducted in several ways. Some economics tutors will revise the key concepts in every chapter in economics tuition Singapore at the end of the year. However, such an intensive revision will only be helpful to students who are extremely weak. For students who already understand the concepts, they will not find it helpful. For these students, they will prefer an intensive revision which covers the different applications of the concepts which they need to master to do well in the examination in economics tuition Singapore at the end of the year. For example, they will want to enhance their understanding of the application of the concept of price elasticity of demand in the contexts of using tax to correct the market failure of a demerit good, discourage the consumption of a demerit good and raise tax revenue. However, for a student who has already achieved a high level of understanding of the applications of the concepts, they will want their economics tutor Singapore to discuss questions which requires higher-order thinking skills.

Building Up A Strong Foundation For Macroeconomics

Some economics tutors prefer to build up a strong foundation for macroeconomics in a junior college year 1 economics tuition class at the end of the year. This is also my preferred choice. One of the main reasons why some students did not do well for the promotional examination was that they did not have a strong foundation of microeconomics. Not surprising, many of these students did not take economics tuition Singapore from an experienced economics tutor Singapore. For this reason, it is important for a student to build up a strong foundation for macroeconomics in order for them to be able to do well in the examination. Furthermore, macroeconomics is very different from microeconomics in terms of the concepts and the types of skills are which are required. Therefore, a good understanding of microeconomics is not a requisite for achieving a good understanding of macroeconomics except for the chapter on demand and supply. In addition, junior college year 2 students will not be tested on microeconomics before the mid-year examination which is only conducted in July in junior college year 2. Therefore, there is no urgency to revise microeconomics in economics tuition Singapore at the end of junior college year 1. Indeed, as economic concepts are abstract, they are pretty elusive. This means that if the revision of microeconomics is conducted in economics tuition Singapore at the end of junior college year 1, many students will not be able to remember the concepts by the time they need to sit for the examination at the end of junior college year 2. Therefore, an economics tutor Singapore should build up a strong foundation for macroeconomics in a junior college year 1 economics tuition class at the end of the year.

Brandon Tan

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Principal Economics Tutor: Mr. Edmund Quek